It is no easy task; it will involve finding a suitable space...I am lucky enough to have a large kitchen/diner which opens out onto my garden, for a variety of tables, on my patio I was able to erect a borrowed EZup for rain protection over another table, and I have my studio right by the house where I put out a few more pieces and work in progress. In case of severe wind and rain, I purchased a "fitted" tablecloth from Amazon, so no corners to blow around, and I have placed "outdoor" items on the table which are safe from the elements.
I could have relied upon the Harrow Open Studio organisation to provide me with visitors, but I have found that despite all their hard work on the publicity side of things, numbers are not great, so I also do my own publicity ...I put posters around the area, in carparks and on trees where I know dog walkers abound; I print flyers and distribute them widely. I use social media...local area groups, and I placed an advertisement for my Open Studio in a local magazine, having written an article for them too, so I actually had a whole page.
I will provide cold drinks, and nibbles, to encourage people to stay and wander; I am doing dances to the rain gods in the hope they will keep the rainclouds away for a week.
It has been hard work, preparing the setup which involves a certain amount of shifting of furniture; creating price labels and sheets of information for visitors to read, and laying out all my pieces. My back has complained mightily ... my back and I do not have a good relationship, I am firmly convinced I have someone else's back instead of the one I was supposed to have. It could, of course, be something to do with my age, she said, slightly bitterly......
Anyway, here are a few pics of my 2019 Open Studios. Previous Open Studios have been successful, lots of visitors and sales (sometimes too many all at once; make sure you have a payment and packing set up well organised or a plan to pack and deliver later).
Hubby's pond outside the studio...can you spot the duck?
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